Health benefits of eating organic

The Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Organic with Ruia Agro Farms

Some of you may already know that eating organic food is better for the planet, animals, and contains no pesticides. However, going organic also carries huge health benefits. Here are some of the top ways that going organic can lead to a healthier you:

Rich in Antioxidants and Nutrients

Research has consistently shown that organic fruits and vegetables have higher antioxidant and vitamin content than conventionally grown produce. Antioxidants help fight aging and prevent illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and dementia. More nutrients mean more value per bite when eating organic.

No Pesticides

Organic produce is grown without the harmful pesticides found in conventional farming. While the government considers low-level pesticide exposure safe, studies suggest that long-term exposure can increase the risk of cancer and harm children’s brain development. Going organic reduces your exposure to these chemicals.

Less Antibiotic Resistance

In conventional farming, animals are often given antibiotics to prevent disease and promote growth. This overuse leads to antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or “superbugs.” By choosing organic meat, poultry, and dairy, you avoid contributing to this public health issue.

No Artificial Hormones

In the normal industrialized form of animal farming hormonal implants are used to boost milk production or frame growth. These hormones may be associated with obesity, early puberty, and consequently, greater risks of cancer in humans. Organic farming excludes the application of these hormones into the farming process.

More Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Organic livestock, raised on pasture and grass-fed diets, contain higher levels of healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. These fats reduce inflammation and promote heart health.

For more information on the benefits of organic farming and to explore Ruia Agro Farms’ offerings, connect with Ruia Agro Farms to learn how their practices contribute to healthier living.

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